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2023年陕西西安市铁一中学中考英语八模试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年陕西省西安市铁一中学中考英语八模试卷 一、完形填空:本大题共 20 小题,共 20 分。 Thursday July 3rd Sunny Today was the third day of our trip.My parents and I walked fifteen miles to reach a faraway village.We wanted to rent (租赁)( 1 ) ______ house there.There was only one empty house ; we found out the owner.He told us not ( 2 ) ______ it ; no one liked to live there for there was a ghost (鬼) .But dad said it could be one of our exciting ( 3 ) ______ in our trip and we had that house at last. At night , we quickly fell asleep ( 4 ) ______ we were too tired after a day's walk.Suddenly , I felt I ( 5 ) ______ by a cold hand.I got up and felt scared.No , it was no ghost but mom.But she was shaking.I asked ( 6 ) ______ .She said nothing but pointed to the window.Yes , somebody seemed to be moving about.The sound was sometimes on the top of the house and ( 7 ) ______ on the ground.Even it seemed to fly through the air.We were all too scared to move.After some time , dad and I made up our mind to go out and ( 8 ) ______ . But when dad opened the door I felt even ( 9 ) ______ .I heard the sound as before but saw no one.And then suddenly all was clear.There was an owl flying about ; someone had tied bells ( 10 ) ______ its legs , which made a sound whenever it moved.We had a good laugh and went to sleep. What an unforgettable experience it was! 1 . A. a B. an C. the D. / 2 . A. buy B. to buy C. take D. to take 3 . A. secret B. secrets C. experience D. experiences 4 . A. although B. before C. because D. unless 5 . A. touch B. am touched C. touched D. was touched 6 . A. why did she touch me B. why she touched me C. how did she touch me D. how she touched me 7 . A. hardly B. usually C. always D. sometimes 8 . A. see B. saw C. hear D. heard 9 . A. scared B. more scared C. interested D. more interested 10 . A. to B. for C. from D. with Winter can be a hard time for animals.The weather may be wet and cold , especially food can be ( 1 ) ______ to find under the snow.But nature has given animals different ways to live.Let's look at how animals make it through this season.Animals survive during winter in four main ways. Some animals get fat in ( 2 ) ______ .They eat and eat , then their bodies can store the food as fat.The moose is such an animal.Their bodies ( 3 ) ______ the stored fat for energy.The fat keeps them warm , too.Moose will also grow heavy coats of hair as the days become colder.This ( 4 ) ______ hair will warm them like our winter coats and hats warm us. Other animals store fresh food for the cold days ahead.These animals usually live in burrows (地涧) .They stay inside ( 5 ) ______ sleep much of the winter.They don't really hibernate (冬眠) .On warmer winter days , they ( 6 ) ______ and eat some stored food.They may lie in the sun to take in the warmth. Hibernators are animals that ( 7 ) ______ all winter long.They don't eat at all.Before winter these animals eat and eat to get fat.When winter comes , they begin to go to sleep.Their hearts beat very ( 8 ) ______ and their temperature drops.In this way , they don't use much of the fat stored in their bodies.Snakes , bears both hibernate. Some animals will ( 9 ) ______ cold places.They move south where the weather is warmer and food is easier to find.This is called migrating (迁徙) .The wild geese is one of them.Usually , in the fall , they gather in large ( 10 ) ______ and making the journey to south.They will return when the temperature rises in spring. 11 . A. able B. hard C. special D. strange 12 . A. spring B. summer C. fall D. winter 13 . A. use B. make C. change D. mistake 14 . A. pretty B. smooth C. special D. thick 15 . A. so B. but C. or D. and 16 . A. stand up B. put up C. wake up D. grow up 17 . A. eat B. sleep C. relax D. play 18 . A. slowly