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期末试卷 2023 2024 辽宁省 格式PDF   13页   下载5597   2024-01-24   收藏1163   点赞1336   免费试卷
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辽宁部分高中2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试+英语(含参考解析) 第1页
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{#{QQABIYwEggCAAgBAABhCAQ0YCAIQkBGCAAoGhEAMIAAAAAFABCA=}#} {#{QQABIYwEggCAAgBAABhCAQ0YCAIQkBGCAAoGhEAMIAAAAAFABCA=}#} {#{QQABIYwEggCAAgBAABhCAQ0YCAIQkBGCAAoGhEAMIAAAAAFABCA=}#} {#{QQABIYwEggCAAgBAABhCAQ0YCAIQkBGCAAoGhEAMIAAAAAFABCA=}#} {#{QQABIYwEggCAAgBAABhCAQ0YCAIQkBGCAAoGhEAMIAAAAAFABCA=}#} {#{QQABIYwEggCAAgBAABhCAQ0YCAIQkBGCAAoGhEAMIAAAAAFABCA=}#} {#{QQABIYwEggCAAgBAABhCAQ0YCAIQkBGCAAoGhEAMIAAAAAFABCA=}#} {#{QQABIYwEggCAAgBAABhCAQ0YCAIQkBGCAAoGhEAMIAAAAAFABCA=}#} 高二英语(答) — 1 202 3— 202 4 学年 度 上学期期末考试高二试题 英 语 参 考 答 案 第一部分 听力 (共两节 ,满分 30 分 ) 1— 5CACCB 6— 10 BCACB 11 — 15 AABAA 16 — 20 CBBAC 第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节 21 — 23 DBD 24 — 27 BBCC 28 — 31 AC DA 32 — 35 ACBD 第二节 36 — 40 CDBGF 第三部分 语言应用(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节 41 — 45 CCDBA 46 — 50 DBCDA 51 — 55 BCABD 第二节 56. the 57. ecological 58. which 59. facilities 60. discovered 61. will be arranged 62. construction 63. completely 64. featuring 65. with 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节 参考范文: Dear friends, Ifeel greatly privileged to convey our warm welcome to you on behalf of the International Culture Exchange Center .We are thrilled to have you here for the 3-day Chinese tea culture trip. As you may know, our city is one of the largest tea-growing bases in China and is famous for its various types of tea and amazing tea art. During your stay here, apart from tast ing some well-known types of tea ,you will also visit some tea plantations and appreciate wonderful tea art performances. I firmly believe you will have adeeper understanding of Chinese tea culture and make some friends here as well. Ifyou need any help, please feel free to contact our center. Wish you an enjoyable and meaningful stay here! Thank you. 第二节 参考范文: Paragraph 1: With one more look at me, Larry had to walk slowly down to the basement. He returned, placing the half box of ice cream on aplate before Dad. Mom passed bowls to him so he could serve the family. Ifelt depressed and waited for the coming storm. Emily eagerly watched Dad open the box! Then, they were astonished to find half of the box was empty! “Ican ’tbelieve this! We ’ve been sold an almost-empty box of ice cream! ”Dad shouted. Itdidn ’teven cross his mind that there might be another reason. But smart Emily stared directly at Larry and asked, “Can you think of any other reason why the ice cream has disappeared? ”Everyone quickly understood her implication. Paragraph 2: To my great shock, just when Ihesitated to admit it, Larry said, “Yes. Iate it.”My parents looked at Larry with disappointment, not believing that he would do such athing. He had{#{QQABIYwEggCAAgBAABhCAQ0YCAIQkBGCAAoGhEAMIAAAAAFABCA=}#} 高二英语(答) — 2 always been agood boy. Then he apologized. Seeing that Larry ’sface reddened and his eyes swelled, I got my lesson and told the truth. My father didn ’tget mad about my behavior. Instead, he praised my brother for his kindness and courage, and also praised me for not escaping the blame for what Ihad done. He then bought another box of ice cream. We ate happily. 听力材料 Text 1 W:I’m late for work and my car isn ’tworking, so Ineed to find someone to take me to work. M:Ican take you. Text 2 W:Iwent to areally cool museum with my class yesterday. M:Really? You mean the Nature Museum? W:No, itwas the Science Museum, and there was ashow of robots. We were supposed to go to the Art Museum, but that got canceled so we did this instead. Text 3 W:Ijust came to pick up my plastic container that Ilent you the other day. M:Oh, right. Well, I’ve just washed itactually, so here you go. Text 4 W:John, can you do me afavor in the kitchen? M:At your service. W:Iwould like half of the chicken cut into slices, and the other half kept. Remember to cut off the fat. Your father doesn ’tlike the taste. Text 5 W:Hey, Rex, how are you at cooking? Are you any good? M:Not really ifI’m honest. Text