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2023年重庆大渡口区中考英语二诊试卷.docx 第1页
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2023 年重庆市大渡口区中考英语二诊试卷 一、单选题:本大题共 10 小题,共 10 分。 1 . China _______ rapid progress since the Reform and Opening-Up ( 改革开放 ) began in 1978. A. has made B. made C. is making D. makes 2 . —________ inspiring song it is! — Yeah. It's Lonely Warrior ( 《孤勇者》 ), one of my favorite songs. A. How B. What C. What a D. What an 3 . Reading is one of my hobbies.I can get a lot of knowledge         reading books. (  ) A.  at B.  with C.  by D.  on 4 . We find ______ very important for students to have enough sleep at night. (  ) A. it B. that C. one D. this 5 . It's true that using English in real _______ will improve our English skills greatly. (  ) A.  positions B.  situations C.  events D.  materials 6 . — Can we take photos in the museum? — I'm not sure. It _______ be OK if we don't use a flash. A. may B. must C. can't D. couldn't 7 . Nick went back to school ________ he got well. He didn't want to be absent from classes. A. so that B. as long as C. as soon as D. even though 8 . I doubt whether he will be able to ______  his bad habits. After all, old habits die hard. A. take up B. give up C. show up D. look up 9 . — I think teenagers should _______ cooking skills both at home and at school. — I totally agree. Labor education has a great influence on them. A. teach B. be teaching C. be taught D. have taught 10 . — Katie, can you tell me ________ ? — Ben? I haven't seen him for years. I remember he used to be active and outgoing. A. what is Ben like B. what Ben is like C. what does Ben like D. what did Ben look like 二、完形填空:本大题共 10 小题,共 15 分。 Lucas , a 4-year-old African penguin (企鹅) living at San Diego Zoo in the US , now has a pair of happy feet. Lucas's foot is ill , which causes his ( 1 ) ______ to swell (肿胀) and hurt.As a result , the other penguins at the zoo didn't want to hang out with him.He felt ( 2 ) ______ . The zookeeper decided to do something about it.They had Lucas walk across sand , took notes of his footprints and sent them to an factory called Thera-Paw , which creates custom (定制的) products for ( 3 ) ______ like penguins that have special needs. Thera-Paw's team created a ( 4 ) ______ pair of shoes for Lucas."It can help Lucas fully join the group and behave more typically for a penguin — ( 5 ) ______ climbing the rocks and swimming.And the color of the shoes looks very close to his natural foot color , so they don't stand out too much , "said the team.The task was a ( 6 ) ______ .Zookeepers put Lucas' new shoes on him and he began trying ( 7 ) ______ out at once. Now he can move around and play ( 8 ) ______ other penguins.In fact , it's going even ( 9 ) ______ than expected — Lucas already has a girlfriend. The San Diego Zoo is the largest zoo in California.And it turns out that Lucas isn't the first animal there that has ever needed help in ( 10 ) ______ .Earlier this year , a three-month-old giraffe was finally able to walk and jump on its own with the help of special leg braces. 11 . A. eyes B. feet C. hands D. ears 12 . A. lonely B. proud C. sleepy D. alone 13 . A. animals B. people C. parks D. plants 14 . A. cheap B. special C. common D. terrible 15 . A. for example B. except for C. such as D. known for 16 . A. doubt B. trade C. success D. celebration 17 . A. it B. him C. you D. them 18 . A. under B. for C. on D. with 19 . A. weaker B. better C. worse D. poorer 20 . A. walking B. swimming C. flying D. lying 三、补全对话 - 填空:本大题共 1 小题,共 5 分。 21 . A : Hi , Lucy. ( 1 ) ______ B : Well , everything went well , just a little busy. A :( 2 ) ______ B : I cooked some dishes for my parents because I wanted my parents to relax themselves. A :( 3 ) ______ How did you prepare ? B : First , I found a book about cooking at home.Then