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期末试卷 2023 2024 辽宁省 格式PDF   20页   下载924   2024-01-24   收藏1198   点赞3495   免费试卷
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辽宁抚顺市六校协作体2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试+英语+(含参考答案) 第1页
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    5 ! , "#$%& A' B' C( )*#)+,-)*. / , 01 10 23&4567 8!9:;! , <;= (Text 1) M: Last weekend was amazing, wasn’t it? W: Yes. It was. But I fell over a lot and my legs hurt! M: Mine too. Getting down the hill was harder than playing a whole football match! W: I want to go there again, but first I’m going to the sports center to get fit. (Text 2) M: Hi, Sarah. What’s wrong? Are you upset? W: It’s 6:30. You were supposed to be here half an hour ago. M: I’m sorry. There was so much traffic on the freeway. It won’t happen again. (Text 3) W: I heard there’s a sale at Brenda’s Boutique. Do you want to check it out? They have some really good clothes. M: Yeah, but the people who work there are so rude. W: I know what you mean. (Text 4) W: Oh, this show reminds me of old times. Now this is the kind of TV show you children can learn something from. M: Ugh. The History of the Car, Grandma? I can’t think of anything more boring to watch on TV. (Text 5) W: I can’t wait to get away from the city this weekend! M: I know. Well, don’t forget to pack a scarf into your bag. It gets really cold when you’re at the top of the mountain. W: True, but you can get a great view of the sea from high up there. >  5?@A , ?@AB ! , "#$%& A' B' C( )*#)+,-)* ,  ?@AC , 0D45:;E ! , ! 5 23 , / , E!D%+ 523&F 45 , ?@A;G= .  , 7  69 7 G ! , HI , 0 10 23&45:;JG ! . (Text 6) M: Did you get the email? The date for the dance performance is this Saturday. W: Yes, I know. I’m sure we’ll have enough time to prepare. We’ve got five days before the big day. M: Yes, I think we’ll be OK. We’ve already learnt the basic steps, haven’t we? W: But the dance teacher’s away on holiday for the next 3 days so we’ll have to practice on our own. I’m not sure we have anyone in the group who’s strong enough to take charge. You know how we argue so much.  , 7  8 K 10 ( ! , HI , 0 15 23&45:;J( ! (Text 7) M: Hello. I just realized that I left the office without sending an important email. I can do it on my phone while I shop for groceries, as long as there’s Wi-Fi available here. W: I’m sorry, sir, but we don’t have any in the store. The manager thinks it helps keep the employees off their phones while working. M: Oh. I see. Well, do you know any place nearby where I can go to get a wireless connection? W: There’s a cafe right across the street that I always go to during my breaks. You’ll need to order a drink, and then the waiter will give you the password.  , 7  11 K 13 ( ! , HI , 0 15 23&45:;J( ! (Text 8) M: New-View Video, how can I help you today? W: Hello. I’d like to sign up for your Internet video streaming service for my family. However, my son is living in France now. Can he use it there? M: Sure, as long as you sign up for the Family Global package. W: Good to hear. Oh, and the first month is a free trial, right? M: That’s correct. You won’t be charged for the global service until next month, but we will still need payment details when you register. W: All right. Let me give you my credit card information. Just a second.  , 7  14 K
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